In consideration of our agreement to allow you to pay in installments, the following service fee(s) may apply:
For Automatic bank payments (EFT) and fully enrolled in Paperless billing option, no service charge will be applied per account per month.
For Automatic bank payments (EFT) not fully enrolled in Paperless billing options, a maximum service charge of $2.00 (as allowed by state law) will be applied.
For all other payment plans other than those listed above (including Automatic Credit/Debit Card payments), a maximum service charge of $7.00 (as allowed by state law) will be applied per account per installment/month as allowed by state law.
In addition, the following fees may also apply:
- Late fee: A maximum $15.00 (If your payment is not received by the Due Date, a late fee will be applied per account as allowed by state law).
- Returned Payment Charge: A maximum $25.00 (applied per each check, electronic transaction or other remittance which is not honored by your financial institution for any reason including but not limited to insufficient funds or a closed account as allowed by state law).